(984) 803-5509

Reporting taxes as an individual (persona fisica) without creating a Mexican company

If you want to avoid going through the process of creating a new company and you want to begin your commercial activities in Mexico immediately, Mextax has a special solution for you.

We have companies of our own ready to use – They are already created, they include their own RFC, electronic signature, bank account, legal representative, and fiscal address.

By hiring this service, we allow you to use one of them exclusively, for however long you decide.

The only requirement is to pay the initial amount and monthly payments of such company.

Once you have hired our services, we will sign a service contract and you will receive all the company’s information for it to start operating.

Mextax will perform the following activities:

  • Prepare the accounting based upon the bank statements that you provide us.

  • Perform the taxes calculation.

  • Monthly IVA (VAT) report.

  • IVA and ISR with holding.

  • State taxes report.

  • Annual ISR (income tax) report.

  • Annual statement.

  • Up to 5 invoices included in your package.

  • Consultancies with the accounting team.

  • Send the income your company has earned, by the end of each month.

There may be unique reports and taxes for certain type of activities, of which the accountant will inform you about when the planning session takes place.

This package has an annual cost of $3,000 USD.

And monthly payments of $203 USD. Including taxes.